Five technologies that will continue transforming the public sector in 2023

Rui Venâncio
6 min readJan 25, 2023

The public sector is transforming as new technologies emerge, and with the help of innovative solutions, the public sector can become more efficient and better serve citizens.

Five technologies have the potential to revolutionise the public sector and improve the way governments operate. From the Internet of Things to the metaverse, these technologies have the power to completely transform how governments interact with citizens and how services are delivered.

The Internet of Things

The internet of things (IoT) refers to the ability of physical objects to connect to the internet and interact with each other. The IoT systems have great potential to revolutionise the public sector, offering new ways to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the quality of services.

For example, sensors can monitor the environment and collect data on air quality or water levels to manage resources better. In addition, smart appliances and devices can help reduce energy consumption, lowering utility bills for citizens.

The use of IoT in the public sector can also improve safety by allowing for real-time monitoring of traffic patterns, crime hotspots, and hazardous conditions. By leveraging IoT systems, governments can take proactive steps to ensure their citizens are safe and secure.

Finally, the Internet of Things has the potential to enable new forms of communication and collaboration between citizens and governments. For instance, citizens could access real-time information about services provided by their local government, avoiding the need for physical presence and long waiting times in public institutions.

In conclusion, the internet of things is one of the most relevant emerging technologies that can revolutionise the public sector by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing citizen engagement.


Blockchain technology is being hailed as a breakthrough technology that will disrupt numerous businesses, including the public sector.

Public sector organisations can use blockchain technology to eliminate centralised, ineffective and siloed systems. Blockchain provides a secure, distributed ledger that allows participants to securely store and access data without relying on a centralised intermediary and can enable government departments and services to streamline processes.

Identity management is one of the applications of blockchain in the public sector; using blockchain, governments can create digital identities for citizens that are secure, private, and accessible across different platforms. Blockchain-based identity management offers citizens the opportunity for self-sovereign identity. It helps eliminate the need for physical documents such as driver’s licenses or birth certificates and makes it easier for individuals to access government services.

Distributed ledgers powered by blockchains have the potential to be used to manage registries and offer the opportunity for real-time changes while also providing the transparency necessary to combat fraud and corruption.

Blockchain can also be used to facilitate voting processes in elections. By providing secure, anonymous ballots stored on a distributed ledger, governments can ensure votes are counted accurately and prevent voter fraud. This technology could also enable online voting and help improve voter turnout.

Finally, blockchain can help increase transparency in public spending. By tracking all transactions made with public funds on a distributed ledger, governments can ensure that the expenditure of public money occurs appropriately, contributing to reducing waste, corruption, and fraud in the public sector.

In conclusion, blockchain is a powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionise the public sector by increasing security, transparency, and efficiency. Governments worldwide are experimenting with this technology in various ways, in Europe, the creation of the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) continues to prove the potential of blockchain technologies, and we’ll likely see more widespread adoption soon.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most essential and fastest-growing technology today. AI has the potential to revolutionise the public sector and create a more efficient, accessible, and transparent government.

AI-based systems can automate manual processes, identify patterns in large datasets, predict outcomes, and provide personalised services to citizens. AI technologies can also improve decision-making, enhance customer service, and strengthen cyber security.

AI can help automate and optimise core processes such as data analysis, customer service automation, process automation, fraud detection, personal assistant services, and budget optimisation. AI-driven tools can also help governments make better decisions by providing citizens with real-time data analysis, predictive insights, and personalised services.

AI can also reduce fraud and corruption by helping detect suspicious activities or record discrepancies. AI-driven systems can be used to detect potential malicious actors and suspicious activities as they happen. AI-based techniques can also automatically analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns and outliers.

Finally, AI can improve citizen engagement by providing personalised services based on user preferences and behaviour.

AI-driven chatbots can provide personalised information and support services to citizens 24/7. In addition, AI-driven virtual assistants can help citizens find the information they need quickly and accurately.

By utilising AI in the public sector, governments can increase efficiency, reduce costs, improve transparency, and provide better services to citizens. However, AI will transform the public sector in the coming years, so governments must stay ahead of the curve.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that uses computer-generated simulated environments to create immersive and interactive experiences. It is a rapidly growing field with many potential applications in the public sector.

VR can help train employees, simulate complex operations, and even create virtual tours of buildings or cities. It provides a cost-effective way to prepare and orient new employees, reduces the need for physical training locations, and allows visitors to explore public spaces without leaving their homes.

VR also has applications in emergency response and medical services. For example, with its ability to create realistic simulations of emergencies, it can be used to train first responders in real-life scenarios. Similarly, medical professionals can use VR to practice complex surgeries or treatments in a controlled environment before performing them on actual patients.

Finally, VR can be used to create virtual conferences and events. By providing a shared, immersive experience, VR conferences can allow public sector members to communicate and collaborate without needing physical travel.

In conclusion, virtual reality is an emerging technology with numerous potential applications in the public sector. Its ability to create immersive and interactive experiences makes it an invaluable tool for training, emergency response, medical services, and more. As VR technology advances, it will likely become widespread in the public sector.


The metaverse is a concept from science fiction and virtual reality (VR) technology that combines elements of both digital and physical worlds. The term was first coined by author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash. It refers to a future where people can interact, create, and explore a 3D digital universe. This environment can contain virtual buildings, virtual worlds, and virtual currencies.

For example, governments are exploring using augmented reality (AR) to provide citizens with interactive, data-driven experiences. For example, governments may use AR to create interactive 3D maps that citizens can explore to learn more about their surroundings. AR can also provide public safety alerts to citizens or simulate natural disasters to prepare emergency responders better.

Another potential application of the metaverse in the public sector is in the area of citizen engagement. By creating virtual cities, governments can simulate real-world events, allowing citizens to become more involved in decision-making. In addition, the metaverse can also be used to improve access to government services and programs, providing citizens with more accessible ways to obtain the information they need.

Finally, the metaverse has the potential to revolutionise how governments communicate with citizens. By creating virtual meeting spaces, governments can host large-scale public events without the costs and logistical difficulties of organising physical gatherings. Through this technology, governments can reach larger audiences, engage citizens on a deeper level, and foster meaningful conversations that drive public policy.

In short, the metaverse offers a wealth of possibilities for governments looking to maximise the impact of their work. By leveraging its many benefits, governments can revolutionise how they interact with citizens and create an even better world for all.

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Rui Venâncio

Technology, Strategy & Innovation ▫️ Management & Leadership ▫️